Someone once said that the kitchen is the heart of the home, and according to surveys families tend to spend the majority of their time meeting up in this all important room for meals, conversation, or just to congregate and spend time with each other. Homeowners across the nation who understand the importance of family connections are beginning to look for design inspirations that offer a kitchen that not only looks its best from a visual standpoint but also one that is fully functional and comfortable. While you may not be in the market for a complete remodel, there are some kitchen updates that can breathe new life into your space and bring your kitchen into the 21st century.
Shades of Gray Paint Color Are the New White
Many people begin their day in their kitchens, grabbing a cup of Joe, eating breakfast and getting the rest of the family off to a healthy start to the day. Painting your kitchen cabinets white can really add to the overall appeal of the room. Not only does it convey a bright fresh image; a stark white kitchen can give you an instant boost of energy the moment that you walk into the room. While cabinets painted bright white continue to be at the top of the style list, gray is a shade that is running at a very close second. Pairing soft gray walls with white cabinets and richly stained wood floors is an up and coming designer trend for 2017.
Classic Black & White Paint Color Palette
The appeal of black and white has had its ups and downs but a black and white kitchen continues to feature strongly for kitchen décor in 2017. According to the artisans at New York Painting Services, it’s all about contrast. Pairing white lacquered cabinets with black granite countertops will work perfectly with both modern and country inspired homes. Adding warm rustic hardwood floors will make your sleek white cabinets shine and add an elegant look to your space. For a modern approach, consider adding large black and white floor tiles interlaced with smaller connecting tiles in red or vibrant yellow.
Adding an Unexpected Splash of Paint Color
Just like your kitchen cabinets, sinks are moving away from traditional finishes and turning instead to something extraordinary. By adding a colorful sink and using it as an element of design, you can add an unexpected pop of color to a kitchen painted in white or soft gray. Apron-front sinks add timeless and functional style and are available in a wide variety of colors including warm neutrals which pair especially well with granite countertops. Other benefits include their practicality – the sinks are deep enough to hold large pots and pans but will also allow children easy access to the sink area without the assistance of a step stool.
Choosing Bold Fixtures as Interior Design Elements
Adding an unexpected splash of color isn’t the only way to add depth and dimension to your space. Oversized light fixtures can add a touch of elegance and drama especially to a room with a low ceiling. To add interest, mix hardware finishes such as stainless steel with gold, copper and pewter to bring a one-of-a-kind element of design to the overall feel of the room
Moving towards Automation in Kitchen
The kitchen of the future can be yours today, and you can choose a wide range of products including sensor-activated lights to illuminate your kitchen at the touch of a button, automated window blinds, and smart technology such as a crock pot that is controlled from your smart phone. Automation is not just about wireless technology; it also includes products such as hands-free faucets for ease of access when busy cooking.
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For more information regarding residential and commercial interior and exterior painting in New York City, NY, contact the knowledgeable design experts and artisans at New York Painting Services today.